NCFP Image

A critical, progressive, oppositional, heterodoxical, conservative, leftist, libertarian scholar-driven perspective.

Disciplines We Cover:

Anthropology, Archaeology, Evolutionary Biology, Biology, Genetics, Geography, Palentology, Psychology, Physics, Quantum Physics, Quantum Biology, Sociology, Zoology, and emerging fields.

NCFP represents a unique convergence of ideologies and viewpoints, pushing the boundaries of traditional academic thought. By championing a critical, progressive, oppositional, heterodoxical, conservative, leftist, and libertarian stance, NCFP fosters an environment where diverse scholar-driven perspectives thrive.

This innovative approach not only challenges mainstream paradigms but also encourages a more inclusive and holistic understanding of subjects, ensuring that every voice, no matter how unconventional, is heard and valued.

Why Publish with NCFP?

At NCFP, we recognize that groundbreaking ideas and transformative research aren't confined to the highest echelons of academia. By actively including Master's level articles and research, we've broadened the spectrum of voices that contribute to the academic discourse. This deliberate choice opens the avenue of publication to a vast pool of talent, often overlooked by traditional platforms. Choosing to publish with NCFP means being part of a progressive movement that values a wider array of perceptions and insights. It's not just about expanding our repository of knowledge; it's about ensuring that every budding scholar gets a platform to shine, share, and shape the future of academia. We believe that the diversity of perspectives, experiences, and expertise enriches the academic landscape and drives innovation, ultimately benefiting all seekers of knowledge and the broader academic community.

Scholar-Driven Platform

Written by Scholars, For Scholars. The Scholar-Driven Platform at NCFP is a groundbreaking initiative that redefines the traditional norms of academic publishing. Instead of being directed by external editors or commercial interests, this platform is steered by the very minds that fuel academia: the scholars themselves. Every piece of content, every decision, every innovation stems from those immersed in research and teaching. This ensures that the content is not only of the highest academic caliber but also resonates with the real-world challenges and aspirations of scholars. It's a platform where scholarly pursuits meet authentic representation, creating a space that is both inclusive and profound. At NCFP, we believe that the best insights come from those in the trenches of academic exploration, and our Scholar-Driven Platform is a testament to that belief.

Unique Profit-Share Model

Rewarding Every Pillar of the Publication Process. At NCFP, we're not just reimagining academic discourse; we're also reshaping the economic landscape of research and publication. Our distinctive Profit-Share Model is structured to distribute profits between the publisher, the contributor, and the often-overlooked peer-reviewers. This does more than just offer a financial incentive; it ensures the operational funding of the platform, allocates resources for growth, and powers our marketing efforts. In the traditional realm of research and publication, monetary compensation is rarely a consideration. Yet, we at NCFP believe that every individual involved in the intricate process of bringing knowledge to the fore deserves recognition, both academically and financially. Through our profit-share model, we are not just publishing research; we're pioneering a new era where academic diligence meets rightful reward.

Skilled Peer-Reviewers

Our commitment to excellence is exemplified by our team of skilled peer-reviewers. These dedicated experts bring diverse backgrounds and deep subject knowledge to the table, ensuring the highest quality of academic scrutiny. They play a pivotal role in upholding the standards of integrity, precision, and innovation that define our multi-disciplinary journal. With their rigorous evaluation and constructive feedback, we strive to provide a platform where cutting-edge research thrives, and knowledge dissemination is a collaborative journey.

100% Online Access

We are committed to providing 100% online access to our multi-disciplinary journal. We believe in making valuable academic content easily accessible to scholars, researchers, and enthusiasts worldwide. Our digital platform ensures that you can explore our extensive collection of articles, research papers, and insights from the comfort of your own device, anytime and anywhere. With a seamless online experience, we aim to empower knowledge seekers and foster a global community of learners.

Extensive Marketing

Our commitment to success is backed by our extensive marketing expertise. With a seasoned veteran of the advertising agency world, boasting over 25 years of experience in both print and online marketing, we bring a wealth of knowledge to the table. Our team's proficiency spans traditional print campaigns to cutting-edge online strategies, ensuring that your message reaches its intended audience effectively and innovatively. We understand the evolving landscape of marketing, and we're here to craft and execute strategies that drive results and elevate your brand to new heights.

Intense Collaboration

We thrive on the spirit of intense collaboration. Our dynamic team, composed of experts from various fields, comes together to spark innovation and foster interdisciplinary dialogues. Whether it's the synergy between our editors and writers, the cooperation with scholars worldwide, or the engagement with our diverse readership, we believe that the most profound insights emerge from collective efforts. This culture of collaboration is at the heart of our multi-disciplinary journal, where ideas are shared, perspectives are challenged, and knowledge is co-created to advance understanding and excellence.